Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team

Holy Family University's CARE Team is a multidisciplinary group of stakeholders from across the University who receives referrals pertaining to students of concern, collects additional information, and then identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the reported concern.  

The CARE Team’s role is to determine effective strategies for addressing students of concern and identifying the responsible parties for enacting intervention and support plans. The CARE Team collects available information pertaining to the student and the situation from multiple sources in order to determine the most appropriate course of action.

The CARE Team has three primary functions. The CARE Team will gather information, analyze this information through an objective set of standards or rubric, and then will develop and engage in an intervention and assessment plan with the student.

CARE Process Diagram

What Can Be Reported? 

The CARE Team collects information on observable behavior such as:

  1. Unusual or erratic behavior in class, in the residence halls, during advising sessions, etc.
  2. Extended absence from class or activities by a typically engaged student
  3. Written work or creative expression with troubling themes or references
  4. Verbal or written threats made by a student toward another student, faculty, or staff
  5. Written or verbal expressions of suicidal ideation or intent
  6. Other actions which cause alarm or call into question the safety of the student or their peers.

If you observe physical, emotional, or academic signs that can threaten the safety or the well-being of the university community, the behavior is considered a CARE Team referral.

It's a Community Commitment

As members of the Holy Family University community, it is our duty and responsibility to take action and assist those students who show any type of behavior that could threaten the safety or the well-being of the University community. The CARE team strongly encourages you to utilize its referral services to continue to better support our students and to further enhance our community.  Please know the success of this process hinges on community commitment to reporting concerns.

Educational Opportunities

The Dean of Students Office and the CARE Team are available to present information to your group or department about our programs and services. You can help us address the concerns of your colleagues and/or students by providing the opportunity to educate the community about this important resource. Contact the CARE Team at to discuss further.

CARE Team Members

The CARE Team is comprised of the following professional University administrators:

  • Marianne Price, MS, CARE Team Chair, Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator
  • Melinda Parisi Cummings, PhD, Associate Professor, Graduate Program in Counseling Psychology, School of Arts & Sciences
  • Kevin Lewis, Public Safety
  • Ronald Liburd, Public Safety
  • Patrick McElwaine, PsyD, Associate Professor, Director, Graduate Counseling Psychology Department, School of Arts & Sciences
  • Josue Martinez, Supervising Clinician & Director, Counseling Services
  • Troy Young, Director, Office of Residence Life