Holy Family University Part of Initial Supporters of Coalition to Reduce Gun Violence

Holy Family University is proud to be one of the initial supporters of Civic Coalition to Save Lives, a new coalition established by The Philadelphia Foundation and the William Penn Foundation, in partnership with Urban Affairs Coalition, Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, and the Philadelphia Equity Alliance, to work toward solutions to support and sustain the reduction in gun violence and deaths in Philadelphia.

The Coalition to Save Lives is a non-partisan, non-profit, collective of 70 civic, philanthropic, faith-based, and community organizations and business leaders. The  goal of the Coalition “is to bring together city, civic, and business leaders to support and amplify the important work of the many community and faith-based organizations that have been focused on and committed to this issue for decades” with the purpose of reducing gun violence in our community.

The Coalition’s announcement references Indianapolis, IN as an example of a city that has reduced gun violence by more than 17 percent over the last year after creating a strategic coalition amongst city government, law enforcement, and community organizations.

To learn more about the Civic Coalition to Save Lives, please visit savephillylives.org.