Purchasing Card Responsibilities

Holy Family University Cardholder Responsibilities

The card is a privilege granted to you by the University and it is expected that you will use it responsibly. The University will seek restitution for any inappropriate charges made to the card. Fraudulent or intentional misuse of the card will result in revocation of the card and/or termination of employment and/or possible criminal charges.
The P card holder is an authorized purchaser for the University with specific responsibilities for expending University funds as follows:

PCard Policies

Obtain Best Value

  • Cardholder must utilize lowest price based on requirements, quality, and availability to obtain the maximum value of each dollar expended

Protection of Card

  • Cardholder must protect the security if the P card and P card number
  • Sharing of the card is not permitted
  • Cardholder must notify the Controller immediately if the card is lost or stolen.
  • Cardholder must not make any purchases from friends or relatives where cardholder has a financial interest or accept gifts or gratuities offered to influence you regarding Pcard purchases.

Using the P Card

  • The P card may be used to make purchases over the counter, by mail, fax, telephone, or by internet

Pcard Holder Monthly Responsibility

  • Log into PNC web site
  • Review transactions and ensure they have been coded appropriately
  • Reconcile all original receipts and or packing slips with online information
  • Approve transactions and submit to Pcard manager for approval prior to the 1st of each month

Pcard Manager Monthly Responsibility

  • Log into PNC web site
  • Reconcile department wide transactions against receipts
  • Ensure receipts are uploaded for all transactions
  • Ensure purchases are within program guidelines
  • Investigate unusual items or spending patterns immediately
  • Review transaction coding, re-classify or split if necessary
  • Dispute transactions if necessary