Holy Family students and staff volunteer in the community


Volunteer Opportunities

As a Catholic University that intentionally incorporates its Values into all curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular programs, members of the Holy Family University community are deeply focused on upholding the motto teneor votis (“I am bound by my responsibilities”). Service is a part of our daily lives at Holy Family, with opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to volunteer for service projects large and small on behalf of the surrounding communities to make a positive impact on the world around us.

Out Lady of Hope Food Drive

Below are just some of the many ways you can volunteer: 

Angels in Motion Blessing Bag Packing Event

Learn about making your own blessing bags and how to support Angels in Motion on their website.

Jewish Relief Agency 

Jewish Relief Agency (JRA) serves over 6,000 diverse low-income individuals across Greater Philadelphia by relieving hunger, improving lives, and strengthening our community. For a complete list of JRA programs and initiatives, visit the JRA site

Volunteers are needed for service such as packing and delivery events at the Jewish Relief Agency warehouse located at 10980 Dutton Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19154. You may register at jewishrelief.org.

Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth volunteer at Our Lady of Hope

Simple Acts of Service 

We invite the Holy Family Community to spread gratitude every day via ‘Simple Acts of Service’.

Be sure to post photos or stories of your Simple Acts on social media using the hashtag #HFUserves.